The Ultimate Guide to Fix TP-Link Extender Orange Light Issue
TP-Link wireless range extenders are one of the best networking devices in the industry nowadays. With their high-class performance, they have managed to build trust among users who want to access a blazing-fast internet connection. However, along with pros come cons. In simple words, many users have reported facing issues with their TP-Link extenders out of which, the orange light issue is the topmost one. Are you struggling with the same issue? If yes, then there might be a number of external factors contributing to it. But, worry not. By following the troubleshooting hacks mentioned in this post, you will surely be able to get rid of the TP-Link extender orange light issue. Thus, scroll down and read on.
Fixed: TP-Link Extender Orange Light Issue
1) Reboot Your TP-Link Extender
Rebooting the device is one of the easiest ways to get rid of technical issues. Many users have tried this hack. You should try it too.
Follow the instructions mentioned below and learn how to give your device a thorough restart:
- Power off your TP-Link extender and unplug it from its wall outlet.
- Wait for a few seconds.
- Plug your TP-Link extender back into its wall outlet and turn it on.
Now, check whether the TP-Link extender orange light issue persists. If it does, take the help of the next troubleshooting hack.
Note: Whether you have performed TP Link AC750 setup or configured any other extender model at home, the process of rebooting will remain the same for all.
2) Check the Ethernet Connection
Verify the Ethernet cable connecting your TP-Link wireless range extender and router. Is it worn out or damaged? If yes, then it looks like you found another reason why you are facing the extender orange light issue.
To troubleshoot it, you have two options: either the Ethernet cable you are currently using should be replaced with a new one or you ought to connect your devices with the help of a wireless source.
3) Place Devices in Close Proximity
If the distance between your TP-Link range extender and your home router is too much, that can also cause the extender orange light issue.
Thus, it is recommended that you place your devices in close proximity. But, not too close. Or else, it won’t take much time for their WiFi signals to clash and lead you to further technical issues.
4) Keep WiFi Interference at Bay
WiFi interference can also force you to come across the TP-Link extender orange light issue. Therefore, relocate your extender and make sure that it isn’t placed near any of the following things:
- Cordless phones
- Washing machines
- Baby monitors
- Mirrors
- Fish tanks
- Refrigerators
- Microwave ovens
- Bluetooth speakers
- Treadmills
- Televisions
Additionally, do not keep your TP-Link wireless range extender near concrete walls.
5) Update the Firmware
Check whether a firmware update for your extender is pending. Is it? If yes, then why didn’t you update it sooner? The reason being, outdated firmware is one of the major factors that can degrade the performance of your device without even blinking and lead you to issues similar to the one you are currently facing.
Thus, make sure that the firmware of your device is updated to the latest version. You can perform TP-Link firmware update either via or the Tether app.
6) Reset and Reconfigure Device
If even after updating the firmware of your device, you are struggling with the extender orange light issue, then you need to reset your device.
To reset your extender, all you need to do is, press the Reset button using a sharp object. Once done, refer to the user manual and reconfigure your wireless range extender using the TP Link app.
Wrapping Up
Troubleshooting the TP-Link extender orange light issue isn’t that hard. However, many users get stuck while doing so. If you carefully follow the hacks mentioned above, you will surely be able to bid adieu to the issue you were facing. In case you are not able to, then contact our technical experts. They are available to assist you at every hour of the day.